Poem Art - Silhouette


What is life,
if you did not survive a few scars?
Where is the glory,
if there were no thorns in your paths?

Imagine living in a world,
where everything was alright.
Where there was no sorrow,
nor failure, nor plight.

Where there were no lows,
but only highs and highs.
Where there were no tears,
what would it mean to smile?

Where every wish made,
was fulfilled in an instant,
Where there were no obstacles,
no impossible mountain in the distance.

The challenges and the trials,
would not exist at all.
To forge the strongest sword,
there would be no hammer to fall.

Where dreams did not shatter,
and hearts never broke,
Where mistakes of yesterday,
never fueled today’s hopes.

Where you never lost someone,
And never saw them for the last time,
We would stop appreciating our infinite love,
if we weren't limited by a finite time.

What a boring sunday afternoon,
would become of this life,
if it weren't for these sad, frustrating
and scary moments of our strides.

What is life,
if you did not survive a few scars?
Where is the glory,
if there were no thorns in your paths?

Do not wish them away,
Do not push them away,
For only the greatest threat ever,
Will unearth your greatest hero ever.

Poem Art - Inverted Silhouette